We thought a little page of useful links might come in handy – for you, if you’re browsing the site and thinking about all things drone/photography related and also for us, as sometimes we need to access these sites and just can’t remember all the urls.
Flying drones should always be done safely, sensibly and within the law, find out more details here.
For those of you interested in how we go about planning our flights, we’re proud to have been an early adopter of Dronedesk. We’ve incorporated this tool from our early days, it has shaped how we approach all drone flights, giving us a single source of the truth for everything we need leading up to and on the day itself!
Well of course we’re going to class our very own Client Portal as a useful link aren’t we? Seriously though, delivering your images and videos to you through our own secure client portal is just a part of our service, setting us apart from the competition.