We’re pleased to show you some of our work, we’re going to assume that not everybody is interested in everything, so have split these case studies into a few categories.
Every single job we do is different – while many may appear to be very similar in terms of client requirements, every job differs from a planning perspective, we’ll try to give a little insight into some of the planning that goes into each job in these case studies too (although not too much, we don’t want to bore you!).

Architects & Surveyors
- Working hand-in-hand with architects and surveyors
- Providing drone videos & photos
- 3d maps & models
- Turns "hard to access" into "easy to see"

Golf Courses
- Promotional videos
- Hole-by-hole video footage
- Stunning photos
- Maps & models enable players to visualise the course like never before!

Historic & Listed Buildings
- Light/no touch capture of video and photos
- 3D "Digital twin" capabilities - visualise your buildings like never before
- 3D Printing available
- Easily view those unsafe areas, particularly at height